Original Mylar Lithographs

Original prints are created from a print medium such a plate, block, stone, or stencil that has been hand created by the artist for the sole purpose of producing the desired image. They are not reproductions from another medium.  These works are usually presented in editions with each example signed and numbered. The complete edition is considered the original work of art. These works were created using a contemporary form of lithography called Mylar lithography at my atelier Blue Berry Press in Cambria California with the aid and skill of my friend and pressman, Dennis Dillow. The name "Mylar Lithography" is derived from the stable plastic film trademarked Mylar that has been specially coated with a fine texture suited well to take pencil drawing. A separate drawing is done in pencil or ink for each color plate needed. Most of my works required 10 to 20 individual plates. The drawings are transferred to the printing plate using ultraviolet light and mounted on the press. 

The appropriate color ink is then hand mixed and the image registered and proofed. When the printing is satisfactory all the paper for the edition is printed. This process is repeated for each color until the image reaches my satisfaction. The entire run is then hand curated and the best and most consistent images are selected for the final edition and signed and numbered. During this process any interesting variations become artists proofs.    This is unusual in the industry.  Paradoxically, in original prints, consistency is the goal and yet one of the values of original prints is in the inevitable uniqueness of each image.


"Companions of Ngorongoro"

"Companions of Ngorongoro"

"Wildebeest in Ngorongoro"

"Wildebeest in Ngorongoro"



"Duma State II"

"Duma State II"

"Morning Hunt"

"Morning Hunt"



"Cathedral of the Elephants"

"Cathedral of the Elephants"

"Elephant Walk"

"Elephant Walk"

"Samburu Leopard"

"Samburu Leopard"

"Giraffes of Manyara"

"Giraffes of Manyara"

"River Crossing"

"River Crossing"





“Grey-headed Kingfisher”

“Grey-headed Kingfisher”

"Hanging Around"

"Hanging Around"

"On His Guard"

"On His Guard"

"Lofty Aspirations"

"Lofty Aspirations"

"Elephant's Child"

"Elephant's Child"

“Nature's Patterns”

“Nature's Patterns”

"Kingdom of Dreams"

"Kingdom of Dreams"

"Tranquility State II"

"Tranquility State II"



Sold Out

"Red Tail"

"Red Tail"



"On the Mara"

"On the Mara"



